Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Dates in AS400 using jtopen datasource driver

If you are using Toolbox jdbc driver for your as400 db2 datasource connection, it is possible you can only give dates between 1940 and 2039. Dates later then 2039 will give 01-01-2001.


Set the property "dateFormat" to "iso".



  1. I am trying to integrate portal server 7.0 with process server 7.0 in which keys exchange are fine even the keys are similar i.e public key,private key and 3des key are same in both process and portal but when i am trying to check the S SO by logging into portal on switching to process its once again asking for credentials which i should not get.So anyone please provide me a solution.

  2. the integration performed is cross cell and by the way integration is performed by intalling the fix packs we have enable the communication by exchanging the keys from admin console in SSO.
    Is that right?
    the keys exchanged from process are imported to portal.where i am comparing the keys of process(exported to drive) to that of portal(exported from portal after importing the keys from process).keys are same but logging onto console of portal on switching to process console its asking for credentials.can anyone provide the solution to integrate process7.0 with portal 7.0?????

    1. Hi,
      there are plenty of infocenter and developerworks articles describing portal and process server integration.
      Your comment on this blog post however is completely irrelevant. Find your way to appropriate forums or other channels.
